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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Script to find any profile option in Oracle applications

SELECT fpo.profile_option_id, fpot.profile_option_name profile_short_name
, substr(fpot.user_profile_option_name,1,60) profile_name
, DECODE(fpov.level_id,10001,'site',10002,'Appl',10003,'Resp',10004,'User') profile_level
, substr(DECODE(fpov.level_id,10001,null, 10002,fa.application_short_name
,10003,fr.responsibility_name, 10004,fu.user_name),1,30) level_value
, fpov.profile_option_value profile_value
FROM fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_application fa
, fnd_responsibility_tl fr
, fnd_user fu
WHERE (fpo.profile_option_name like nvl('X',fpo.profile_option_name) -- Replace X with the profile short name, ie 'PRINTER'
or fpot.user_profile_option_name like nvl('Y',fpot.user_profile_option_name)) -- Replace Y with profile user name, ie 'Printer%'
and fpo.profile_option_name=fpot.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fa.application_id(+)=fpov.level_value
and fr.responsibility_id(+)=fpov.level_value
and fu.user_id(+)=fpov.level_value;

Script To List The Values Of A Profile Option At All Levels (Doc ID 803587.1)
How To Check If a Profile Option Is Set In Oracle Applications? (Doc ID 470102.1)
How To List E-Business Suite Profile Option Values For All Levels Using SQLPlus (Doc ID 201945.1)
How to Search all of the Profile Options for a Specific Value (Doc ID 282382.1)
How To Find All Users With A Particular Profile Option Set? (Doc ID 367926.1)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Script to find responsibilities assigned for an user in EBS

Select b.user_name, c.responsibility_name, a.START_DATE, a.END_DATE
from fnd_user_resp_groups_direct a, fnd_user b, fnd_responsibility_tl c
where a.user_id = b.user_id
and a.responsibility_id = c.responsibility_id
and b.user_name in ('&USERNAME');

Script to get assigned responsibilities for a concurrent program

           FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl
          WHERE responsibility_id IN (
                   SELECT responsibility_id
                     FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl
                    WHERE request_group_id IN (
                             SELECT request_group_id
                               FROM apps.fnd_request_group_units
                              WHERE request_unit_id =
                                       (SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
                                                   FROM Apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
                                                  WHERE user_concurrent_program_name like '%&Program Name%'))
                      AND end_date IS NULL)
       ORDER BY responsibility_name;

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Steps to configure printer in Oracle apps 11i/R12

Please follow the below Steps:

1. Setup the printer at the OS level
2. Add a valid entry in the hosts file (Printer Name and the IP Address), if ip address is resolved by DNS this step can be ignored
3. Login to System Administrator responsibility
4. Navigate to Install > Printer > Register
5. Define a new printer by entering the Printer Name
6. Save
7. Bounce the Concurrent Manager
8. Submit any standard concurrent request

Step By Step Guide to Set Up a Printer in Oracle Applications (Doc ID 60936.1)
How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications: Getting Started (Doc ID 269129.1)

Transportable tablespace refresh

  1.check tablespace for the user which need to refresh -------------------------------------------------------------------  SQL> select ...