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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Issue: Move Transaction Manager, Resource Cost Worker, and Process Transaction Interface Concurrent Requests show Inactive and No Manager status.

Issue: Move Transaction Manager, Resource Cost Worker, and Process Transaction Interface Concurrent Requests show Inactive and No Manager status.
Followed below steps:
  I compared the same with working instance

1. Go into the responsibility: Application Developer
2. Navigate to Concurrent > Library
3. Query for Library Name 'INVLIBR

Here I see no records available and registered and rebuilt library

Note: Here I am not able to add “WICTWS” to the list at above and looks like can be ignored as note:  Unable to Rebuild Library for INVLIBR, Issue with WICTWS (Doc ID 465921.1)

I did below by keeping CM services down

4 Click the Save icon
5 Click the Rebuild Library button
6 From the OS level as the applmgr user, use the adadmin utility:
a/  choose option 2 'Maintain Applications Files menu', then 
b/ choose option 3 'Re link Application Programs', 
c/ at the prompt 'Enter list of products to link' enter INV, 
d/ at the prompt 'Generate specific executable s for each selected product' enter Yes, 
e/ at the prompt 'Enter executables to relink' enter INVLIBR, otherwise use all of the defaults 

I brought up the CM services
After this change:
 I tried re launch the requests:  and see below request with Inactive No manager.


I deleted the record for “WIP Move Transaction Worker” from Inventory Manager include list and tried cancel and re launch requests and see no requests in Inactive Manager queue.

Transportable tablespace refresh

  1.check tablespace for the user which need to refresh -------------------------------------------------------------------  SQL> select ...