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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

All Concurrent Requests Go Into Pending with Status of Standby

 Issue - All Concurrent Requests Go Into Pending with Status of Standby

Solution - 

  1. Log into Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN.
  2. Select System Administrator responsibility.
  3. Navigate to PROFILE --> SYSTEM.
  4. Query for %CONC%ACTIVE%.
  5. Change the profile option for Concurrent: Active Request Limit to Null (blank).
  6. Exit Oracle Applications and log in again for the change to take affect.
  7. Run a new concurrent request.

Reference - 
Doc ID 153111.1

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Shell script to move all files , if they are exists if not do nothing


Script - 


for files in *.txt; do

        if [ -f "$files" ] # does file exist?


               mv "$files"  



                        echo "No files"



Transportable tablespace refresh

  1.check tablespace for the user which need to refresh -------------------------------------------------------------------  SQL> select ...