eg. make a directory like c:\oracle\secure
2. Copy the DBC File from the E-Business Suite database and place it in the secure directory. It will be located in the FND_SECURE directory.
3. Select the Environment tab and create new System Variables
4. Update your %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin/tnsnames.ora to include an entry for the E-Business Suite database. The database name must match the two_task entry in the dbc file.
5. You may have to rename the dbc file so that it matches the name by which you are referring to the database in your TNS Names file
6. Make sure that TNSPING works and that you can get a connection to the database
7. You should be able to log in ok now
Ref:Connecting to an E-Business Suite EUL Using Any Discoverer Component Fails With "Authentication Failed" or "ORA-01017: invalid username/password;logon denied" [ID 364665.1]
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