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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quick Cloning steps


1. ORACLE_HOME tech stack would be cloned beforehand
2. Apps TechStack would be cloned before hand
3. The locations of the datafiles,redo log files,temp files ( data tops from adcfgclone) would be identified
and new locations would be mapped.
This mapping would be created in 3 files

data_tops.txt    ===> Datafile mapping
temp_tops.txt    ===> Temp datafiles mapping
log_tops.txt    ===> Online redolog files mapping

The format of each file would be

4. RMAN Backup files (/backup mount point) will be available on target database node.

Onetime Activities
Cloning DB techstack

Restore ORACLE_HOME from PROD and run the adcfgclone with the correct port pools

Cloning Apps Tech Stack
Restore Apps Tech Stack directories

Clone with the correct parameters and teh correct port pools for REP instance

Restore custom.env file

The dbtier script would do the following

a) Shutdown running Instance
b) Clean up all the tops based on the above 3 top files but retaining the tech stacks
c) Pick up the backup from a mentioned directory
d) Initiate restore with a specified no of threads between 2 and 5
e) Restore db to new locations as mentioned in the top files and recover and open the database
f) Shutdown database
g) Run nid to rename the database to VENK (New DB name)
h) Change system and sys passwords in the database
i) Clean up fnd_nodes
j) Startup listener if it is not running
k) Run autoconfig for db tier
l) Run db link creation script
m) Truncate the fnd_concurrent_requests
o) Update fnd_concurrent_queues to update the node_names
p) Update the Sitename -
q) Update scripts in the Appendix

5) Initiate the apps tier cloning script

This would

a) Run autoconfig
b) Change Apps Passwords
c) Rerun Autoconfig if the above passwords are changed.

Update Site Name Profile

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='REP (Daily refresh from PROD)'
where PROFILE_OPTION_ID=125 ; 

Discoverer URL -

update fnd_profile_option_values
where profile_option_id=3567; 

update fnd_profile_option_values
where profile_option_id=4987; 

update fnd_profile_option_values
where profile_option_id=5882;

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/d02/oracle/erpappl/bne/11.5.0/log'
where profile_option_id=6472;

update fnd_profile_option_values
where profile_option_id=6481;

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/oa_servlets/'
where profile_option_id=6482;

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/d02/oracle/erpappl/bne/11.5.0/upload'
where profile_option_id=6484;

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/d02/oracle/erpappl/bne/11.5.0/upload/import'
where profile_option_id=6487;

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/d02/oracle/erpappl/bne/11.5.0/upload'
where profile_option_id=6489;

6)    Update POR : CA Certificate File Name profile option.

update fnd_profile_option_values
set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='/d02/oracle/erpora/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt'  where profile_option_id=5223 ;

7)    Disable email preferences for all email account.

update fnd_user_preferences
where user_name not in ('XYZ') ;
and preference_name='MAILTYPE' and module_name='WF';

8)    Update WF ‘MAIL’ status to ‘SENT’

update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = 'SENT' where mail_status = 'MAIL';

UPDATE wf_notifications SET mail_status = 'SENT' WHERE message_type IN ('XDPWFSTD', 'WFERROR');

9)  RESTORE the USERS, PRINTERS and profile options from backup taken before remove target instance.

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